Periglacial morphodynamic on Peña Vieja Group (Picos de Europa, Central massif, Cantabria)


  • E. Serrano Universidad de Valladolid
  • J.J. González Universidad de Cantabria


Periglaciarismo, medios de alta montaña, medidas BTS, Picos de Europa, Cordillera Cantábrica


The high mountain environment of the Peña Vieja Group, located above 1.900 m. in the Central massif of Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Range), is characterised by a nivoperiglacial environment. In this work we have made a detailed geomorphological map, surficial morphological analysis and basal temperatures of snow measurements. On the study area there are different landforms related to fourteen crionival processes. The periglacial morphodynamic on Picos de Europa is linked to the depth and changes of snow cover, and the most important geomorphic processes are the nivation, karstification, solifluction and gelifraction. In this work two periglacial altitudinal belts have been defined: nivoperiglacial belt (1.900-2.300 m) and crionival belt (2.300-2.613 m). The BTS measurements point out the non-existence of environmental conditions to get continuous or discontinuous permafrost development.





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