Micromorphology contribution to the definition of prehistoric folds in the Upper Ebro Basin Valley: the site of Los Husos II (El Villar, Alava)


  • A. Polo Universidad del País Vasco
  • J. Fernández-Eraso Universidad del País Vasco


Neolítico, Alto Valle del Ebro, micromorfología, estabulación


This work provides the first results on the application of micromorphological analysis to the layer V from Los Husos II rock-shelter deposit. Dating between 5280 ± 40 - 5490 ± 40 BP, evidence from the identification and characterization of ashes, herbivore coproliths, compacted surfaces, bioturbation and microstratigraphical arrangement, together with the data from the excavation, suggest the formation process of this layer as the result of repetitive seasonal livestock kepping practices. Furthermore this is the first approach to the knowledge of the Neolithic settlement in the Upper Ebro Basin by micromorphological means.

