Las Fuentes de San Cristóbal (Huesca, Spain) level G: new contributions to Middle Palaeolithic in Aragon Pre-Pyrenees
L. Menéndez
J. Rosell
A. Canals
M. Mosquera
Middle Paleolithic, technology, raw materials, Spain, Pre-Pyrenees, Huesca
In order to throw new and interesting highligths on the Middle Paleolíthic in Aragón, some important studies have been carried out in Las Fuentes de San Cristóbal site during the last ten years. The analysis of level G líthic carreteindustry and raw materials collecting areas, the management and the differential use of them, allows us to understand the neanderthal communities characteristiques in this mountanian zone as well as subsistence strategies to exploit the Axial Pyrenees environment. The analysis of level G lithic industry and the study of the raw materials collecting areas show the real presence of neanderthal groups in the Pre-Pyrenees area with a typical Mousterian technology Consecuently, Las Fuentes de San Cristóbal is becoming an important site to understand the transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic in northern Spain.