Contribution to the knowledge of the aeolian erosion in the central Ebro Depression


  • C. Marín
  • M. Gutiérrez-Elorza
  • G. Desir
  • P. Lucha


Aeolian activity, residual reliefs, aeolian sands, yandangs


Two areas of aeolian activity are recognized in the central sector of the Ebro Depression. Torrollones de Gabarda are residual reliefs on Miocene sandstones and siltstones, on which aeolian sands are deposited on sandstones benches. These sands are dated on 3619±237 yr BP on the lower part and 824±106 yr BP on the top with OSL and 14C. They not have any prevalent direction so they must be considered as residual reliefs where some processes act as weathering and export on slopes. Yardangs are recognised on Quinto forde Ebro region. They are elaborated on hard Miocene rocks and show morphologies of long ridges, whalebacks, mesas and conic hills. The corridor bases are dated and it seems to show that aeolian activity has acted before to 4.6 Kyr. BP. Equally, it is recognized another arid stage between 3600 and 800 yr. BP.





Reasearch Papers