The History of the Spanish Society for Quaternary Research. Part I: AEQUA before AEQUA (1973-1990)


  • Pablo Gabriel Silva Barroso Universidad de Salamanca
  • Alfredo Pérez-González Institute of Evolution in Africa (IDEA), University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
  • Trinidad Aleixandre Campos Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC. Madrid. Spain



Quaternary, History, AEQUA, INQUA, Spain


This is the first of a trilogy that aims to summarize the history of Quaternary studies in Spain in relation to the creation of the Spanish Society for Quaternary Research, AEQUA. This first part begins with the INQUA International Congress held in Spain in 1957. It then focuses on the creation of the Spanish Quaternary Working Group (GETC), the seed of AEQUA, the first scientific meetings and the first links of this group of Quaternary scientists with the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). The first AEQUA executive boards of GETC and AEQUA are reviewed until the foundation of our scientific society in 1985. The subsequent analysis continues with the firsts AEQUA national meetings and the celebration of the first two Iberian Quaternary Congresses (REQUI) together with the Portuguese colleagues. We conclude with a comprehensive summary of the 2nd Iberian Quaternary Meeting held in Madrid in 1989, highlighting the important role played in the foundation of AEQUA by people such as Emiliano Aguirre, Alfredo Pérez-González and Trinidad Aleixandre.

Author Biographies

Pablo Gabriel Silva Barroso , Universidad de Salamanca

Profesor Titular de Universidad nGeodinámica Externa nGeomorfología y Geofísica

Alfredo Pérez-González , Institute of Evolution in Africa (IDEA), University of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Institute of Evolution in Africa (IDEA), University of Alcalá de Henares, Covarrubias 36, 28010 Madrid, Spain.

Trinidad Aleixandre Campos , Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC. Madrid. Spain

Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC. Serrano s/n 28040 Madrid. Spain


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