Derecho Constitucional Comparado y uso connotativo de la palabra «derechos» (y de los adjetivos que la acompañan)


  • Lucio Pegoraro


Comparative law, language, rights, fundamental rights, legal meanings


The paper analyses the different ways the word «rights» and its adjectives (human, fundamental, etc.) are used in various legal phormants (statute laws, case law and legal doctrine), in different legal system and in comparative law. These cariants are diverse and represent a variable of every legal cultures. Those using the word «rights» in a comparative perspective will therefore opt for a different meaning compared to that typically chosen by a scholar of national (spanish, mexican, english, etc.) constitutional law. In fact, experts of comparative law have to identify a least common denominator. The paper concludes by recommending the same approach so as to analyse the use of adjectives such as «fundamental», which are often used in doctrinal works without the necessary elaboration.

