The constitutional jurisdictional decisions of the electoral bodies in Iberoamerica

A difficult balance


  • Rafael Rubio Núñez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Vitor de Andrade Monteiro Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Electoral bodies guarantee the integrity of elections throughout the world. These bodies mostly adopt a constitutional nature: both because of their insertion among the powers of the State, to guarantee their autonomy given the transcendence of their mission that impacts on the results of the elections, and because of the content of their decisions that affect fundamental rights, developed with different levels of detail in the Constitution. This constitutional transcendence has caused conflicts with other constitutional powers. In their work, the electoral bodies adopt measures that transform the order in which they develop their activities, expand the meaning of the Constitution in its interpretation, shaping it to international standards and seeking effectiveness of political rights. Through the study of their place and their decisions we intend to confirm that constitutional nature and to see to what extent their decisions move in a transformative direction or, on the contrary, it would be close to a constitutional abuse.

