Igualdad de la mujer: no-beligerancia y beligerancia. Nuevos desarrollos y retos del Tribunal Constitucional español en materia de no discriminación


  • Alberto Oehling de los Reyes


Equality principle, no woman’s discrimination, Constitutional Court, Protection of fundamental rights, Person’s Dignity


The way of reversion of the different form of woman’s treatment in society, made by The Constitutional Court, semms to possess two stages: on the one hand, the initial vision, has considered the equality’s principle of treatment from a linear perspective, that aspire to the equality’s realization in a progressive and slow way; in the other hand, the view that has been consolidated in the midle of the nineties —over the basis of the difficult resolution of the social problems, which affect the woman— semms to start more from a position that pleads for a more radical and belligerent position and for the fast and strict establishment of bigger fomulas of Affirmative Actions in favour of the woman. 

