Public perception of the problem of rural depopulation in Castille-León (Spain)


  • José A. Gómez Limón
  • Ignacio Atance
  • Margarita Rico


The Autonomous Region of Castile-León, in central Spain, is one of the regions most affected by the problem of rural depopulation. A response to this problem is the implementation of several economic and social instruments in the framework of a rural development policy. Within this framework, knowledge of the public opinion on rural depopulation can be considered useful in order to justify the public intervention mentioned above. With this motivation, the main objective of this paper is the quantification of the extent up to which this problem decreases social welfare, and which treatment the own society is willing to implement in order to prevent it. The results show that rural depopulation is actually considered as an important social problem by the people of Castile- León. Thus, individuals consider that rural population is a public good that might be supported by specific policies.




