Piece-wage and super-exploitation of work


  • Juliana Biondi Guanais Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana. Instituto Latino-americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política




payment for production, work intensification, super-exploitation, labor theory of value, Latin America.


The article has as objective to analyze the super-exploitation of the work of the cane cutters in the light of the value theory of Marx and the marxist theory of dependence. The analysis is based on the research carried out with two sugar mills in the state of São Paulo (Brazil) between 2011 and 2016, and shows the relationship between payment for production - form of compensation for sugarcane cutters – work intensification and super-exploitation. As conclusion, we have shown that there is super-exploitation in the case studied because at the same time that sugarcane cutters are having an increase in the value of their labor power, this increase is not accompanied by a proportional increase in wages, which means that these workers are being paid below their value.

