Incidence of multinational companies and union representation in emerging countries. The case of his subsidiaries in Argentina.


  • Marcelo Delfini CONICET/UNGS, UBA
  • Analía Erbes Investigadora docente IdeI-UNGS
  • Juan Montes Cató CEIL/CONICET, UBA
  • Sonia Roitter IdeI-UNGS



Multinational, Labour union, Membership, structural characteristics, Business strategies, Work management.


Multinational companies (EMN) are considered key actors in the study of labour relations, especially because of their strong economic power and their ability to impose specific practices on labour unions through their subsidiaries. Given its relevance in the Argentine productive structure, by analysing them it is possible to understand a large part of the business strategies towards the unions. In this framework, the article proposes: i) to determine union penetration levels in EMN installed in Argentina, and ii) to establish relationships between these levels of penetration and different factors that explain the existence of diverse representation logics. Thus, while the structural aspects condition the levels of penetration achieved, the characteristics of the work management have more limited effects over them.

