Rebuilding society


  • Arnaldo Bagnasco Bagnasco Unversità di Torino


sociología de la experiencia, economía fundamental, consumo de sociedad, estrategias de investigación, regulación social y económica.


How can we stop the consumption of society, the primary commitment for sociolo-gists in our time?. The paper compares three exemplar approaches to the problem: the sociology of experience by François Dubet, social and economic regulation after the industrial society, with particular reference to the works by Colin Crouch, and fundamental economy, a new prospect open by a group of European researchers. In different ways, the authors share concerns about the consumption of society in the current crisis; just like classic sociologists they connect the free intentionality of the actors with systemic determinations; they touch several connected aspects both theoretical and analytical, and they suggest possible strategies to rebuild society.


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