Economic crisis and anti-austerity coalitions in Spain Old and new repertoires of protest (2010-2014)


  • David Luque Balbona Universidad de Oviedo
  • Sergio González Begea Universidad de Oviedo


industrial relations, trade unions, power resources, industrial conflict, strikes, demonstrations.


The article examines the transformation of the repertoire of trade union action and protest in Spain during 2010-2014. It surveys and compares the course of anti-auste-rity mobilizations. Trade union resistance to the ensuing pursuit of austerity has been confronted to several drawbacks and contradictions. The economic recession has certainly affected trade unions. The institutional power resources available to them have been undermined. Effective trade union involvement in the negotiation of austerity policies has been almost non-existent. As in other European countries, trade union resistance to austeritarianism in Spain has been built on a combination of old and new tactics of protest. In the grip of doubts and vulnerabilities, trade unions have crossed paths with the emerging new social movements.


