About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Sociología del Trabajo is an independent and plural academic journal that aims to disseminate research and reflections on the reality of work, together with the critical analysis of research on it.
Peer Review Process
The Editorial Board must ensure that all published research articles have been evaluated by at least two subject specialists, and that the review process has been fair and impartial.
The method of peer review will be the double-blind procedure (in which both authors and reviewers are anonymous). When one of the two assessments is negative, a third review will be requested.
People who submit a manuscript for evaluation may propose the names of up to three specialists for evaluation of their manuscript. The Editorial Board reserve the right to accept or decline these proposed specialists, and is not obliged to communicate their decision.
The Editorial Board will assess and acknowledge the input of all those involved in the review of the manuscript submitted to the journal. It will also encourage academic authorities to acknowledge peer review activities as part of the scientific process, and should decline reviewers whose submit reports that are of poor quality, improper, disrespectful or that are delivered after the agreed deadline.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.