Sobre a Revista

Focus and Scope

SEDERI, Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, is an annual publication devoted to current criticism and scholarship on Early Modern English Studies. It is peer-reviewed by external readers, following a double-blind policy. It is published in paper and online, in open access.

SEDERI welcomes ARTICLES, NOTES and REVIEWS. The call for papers remains open for submissions year-round.


Areas of interest

  • Early Modern English Literature
  • Early Modern English History and Culture
  • Early Modern English Language
  • Restoration English Studies
  • Early Modern Anglo-Spanish cross-cultural studies
  • Early Modern Anglo-Portuguese cross-cultural studies

Only original research is published by SEDERI. Therefore, we do not consider research pieces that have been published elsewhere (either in print or online) or are under simultaneous consideration with another publisher; translations are not considered either.


Publication Frequency

SEDERI is an annual publication. The annual volume is published collectively every Fall, with its own Table of Contents.


Circulation and Impact

SEDERI Yearbook is included in the following indexes and repertories:

  • Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)
  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index
  • CARHUS+ (Evaluación de revistas científicas de las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades de la Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca)
  • CIRC (Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas)
  • Dialnet plus
  • DICE-CINDOC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
  • EBSCOHOST [NB: last year’s articles and notes will be available shortly]
  • European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH and ERIH plus)
  • Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)
  • Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas  (MIAR)
  • MLA Bibliography
  • Periodicals Index Online
  • RESH
  • SCIMAGO Journal Rank
  • Scopus
  • Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
  • Web of Science


Quality assessment: SEDERI Yearbook received the Quality Award for Spanish Scientific Journals issued by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in 2009, which has since been renewed to our days. It also meets 100% of the scientific requirements established by Latindex and DICE-CINDOC. The Italian Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario de della Ricerca (ANVUR – National agency for the assessment of research) has ranked SEDERI Yearbook as an «A» journal.

It has also been ranked as Q2 in Citescore in 2018, 2019 and 2020.


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the team of permanent editors. If found suitable for further consideration, submissions are sent for double-blind peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees following a blind, peer-review policy. In case of disagreement, a third report will be decisive. This process usually takes an average of three months.

Readers are selected among peers with recognized contributions in the field; our database of experts includes over a hundred internationally reputed scholars that cover a wide variety of areas of expertise in English Early Modern Studies. Each piece of research is considered individually by the editors and sent accordingly to the most suitable experts.

Assessment criteria

  1. Relation to SEDERI areas of interest.
  2. Originality and interest of the topic in relation to current research.
  3. Knowledge of state of the art and engagement with studies on the topic.
  4. Use of methodology of analysis.
  5. Depth of discussion of issues, problems and theoretical concerns.
  6. Coherence and cohesion in the thread of argument and structure.
  7. Interest of data analysed, results obtained, and conclusions reached.
  8. Relevance of bibliographical references.
  9. Clarity, conciseness and command of the language.
  10. Title, abstract and keywords: adequacy, clarity and informative quality.

If the essay is accepted for publication, the authors may be asked to consider the suggestions made by the readers and the editors, and to bring it into line with our style sheet. The contributions, in its final form, will then go through copyediting, layout, and proofreading.

If the article is rejected at the peer-review stage, the author(s) will receive a report issued by the readers. 


Open Access, Sharing and Reuse Policies

SEDERI publishes scholarly research pieces, which will be available both in print and online. These will be Open Access, in the spirit of sharing knowledge. Therefore, Article Processing Charges (APCs) will not be charged to authors of scholarly articles during the publication process. 

Remember that the journal is copyrighted, and therefore any kind of usage of SEDERI material must give credit to the journal by citing the authorship and full publication details. The usage of SEDERI material for commercial purposes is not allowed without the journal’s permission. 



Self-archiving is permitted, so that authors are allowed to deposit the published PDF version of their articles in academic and/or institutional repositories, without fee or embargo. Authors may also post their individual articles on their personal websites, again on condition that the original link to the online edition is provided.


Editorial practices regarding gender equality

 SEDERI Yearbook is committed to implementing gender policies. This commitment is reflected in a number of key actions:

- Minimum percentage of 40% of women in the composition of the Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Advisory Board Existence.

- Minimum percetange of 40% of women as reviewers.


Reviewers 32 issue (2022)

  • Antonio Ballesteros González (UNED, SP)
  • Naomi Baker (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Gerd Bayer (University of Erlangen, DE)
  • Alejandro Cantarero de Salazar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SP)
  • William C. Carroll (Boston University, US)
  • Sandra Clark (University of London, UK)
  • John Drakakis (University of Stirling, UK)
  • Elaine Hobby (Loughborough University, UK)
  • Sarah Knight (University of Leicester, UK)
  • Jesús López-Peláez Casellas (Universidad de Jaén, SP)
  • Paula Loscocco (Lehman College, CUNY, US)
  • Zenón Luis-Martínez (Universidad de Huelva, SP)
  • Sara Luttfring (Penn State Behrend, US)
  • Susana Oliveira (Universidade Aberta, PT)
  • José A. Pérez Díez (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Sara Read (Loughborough University, UK)
  • Glyn Redworth (Oxford University, UK)
  • Tracey Sowerby (Oxford University, UK)
  • John Sutton (Macquarie University, AU)
  • Sonia Villegas López (Universidad de Huelva, SP)


Use of inclusive language

 SEDERI Yearbook recommends using inclusive language in scientific articles. Authors are encouraged to use gender-neutral rather than masculine terms to refer to classes or groups of individuals. It is also advisable to add explanatory phrases, avoid references to the subject or, if none of the above is possible, make reference to both women and men in the text.


Sex and gender in research

The journal includes the full name of the authors of the works it publishes.

When writing research works, authors must avoid gender stereotypes and biases whereby men are regarded as the universal point of reference, biological differences are exacerbated or socially constructed differences are seen as natural.

Authors must consider the sex variable in their research and must also analyse existing differences within each sex and present results disaggregated by sex.


Journal’s Social Media Circulation

The journal periodically circulates its publications on social media:

            Twitter: @SederiYearbook

The Twitter publications include the#ArticleOfTheMonth series, featuring outstanding articles in the journal throughout its over 30 years of existence. Every month a new article — with particular emphasis on the most recent issues of the journal.