Constitutional notes on parental PIN


  • Laura Gómez Abeja Universidad de Sevilla



This paper explores from a juridic-constitutional perspective the so-called parental pin —a type of parental veto—, taking into consideration its implementation in the Region of Murcia and its possible extension to different communities governed by the Partido Popular (PP) with the support of Vox. Its adoption is promoted against the so-called complementary activities. Supporters of the parental pin consider it a way to prevent minors from accessing certain contents (such as sexual education or sexual diversity) and to avoid their indoctrination. These pages recall the case law that supports (from art. 27.2 of the Spanish Constitution) the legitimacy of training in democratic values and the search for adherence of students to those values. The teaching staff is also allowed by art. 27.2 to proceed to the mere presentation of other ideas, thoughts, and ways of living coexisting in the plural and diverse society of a democratic State, even when there is no social consensus about them. In light of the foregoing, the adoption of a parental veto allowed by art. 27.3 of the Constitution cannot be accepted. The education of minors could become just an instruction to suit to the parents’ beliefs to the point of eliminating the necessary contents needed to give citizens an adequate and comprehensive education.

