The constitutional organization of recovery. Law and political chronicle of the 2021


  • Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez Universidad de Granada



This text gives an account of the main political and legislative events of the year 2021. It is divided into two parts. The first analyzes the instruments used to organize the economic recovery. At this point, Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, which orders the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, occupies a prominent place. It marks the need for a National Plan that must stipulate the projects to be financed in the recovery process. In short, this first part shows to what extent the political impulse today finds its key in the Union, which sets the State the objectives to be developed and controls the mechanisms for their fulfillment.

In the second part, the main legislative actions of the government are exposed. Three main areas stand out. The environment is studied first, focusing attention on Law 7/2021 on climate change and energy transition, taking account of the difficulties in trying to shape this project, given the escalation in electricity prices. The second block is dedicated to the labor market, observing how new forms of work are being regulated. And, the third group deals with the recognition of the rights of the most vulnerable people, especially euthanasia.



