The reform of the Improvement of the Navarra Charter in the context of charter «revisions». Constitutional Act 7/2010, 27th October


  • Asunción de la Iglesia Chamarro


Navarra, Amejoramiento del Fuero, Statute of Autonomy, statutory reform, investment, Government, Parliament


An important reform of the historic Statute of Navarre (Amejoramiento del Fuero) has been recently approved. It is the seventh statutory reform among those recently approved. Although this one is more limited than the previous ones, it contains innovations of great interest. Indeed, though the main purpose of this reform was to eliminate the restriction concerning the length of the Legislature which occurred when there was an early dissolution, the reform has extended to other areas, most of them referred to matters affecting the regional institutions and the parliamentary system and, but with minor impact, also to several competences or updates due to the passing of the years.

