The regulatory authorities in the economic crisis: reformulation in the Sustainable Economy Act


  • Eduardo Vírgala Foruria


Regulatory commissions, independence, parliamentary control


One of the measures to be taken as a result of the events that caused the economic crisis is to strengthen the independence of the Regulatory Commissions (Organismos Reguladores-OR, in spanish) to avoid capture by the regulated firms or by the Executive. This independence of the OR can only be admitted if linked to increased controls on Regulators. The 2011 Sustainable Economy Act for the first time introduces a common legislative framework for the OR trying to ensure their independence, although it is questionable to continue to maintain the appointment of its members exclusively by the government, with the partisan attitude shown by successive governments, and not to increase the parliamentary control mechanisms, such as the creation of specific Congress and Senate committees, personnel and means to do so, with a regular relationship with the OR and that could compel the attendance of its members and assess their performance.

