Vertical intergovernmental relations within the autonomical State: what is, what should be and possible future challenges


  • Eva Sáenz Royo


Intergovernmental relations, conditional grants, regional financing, Dependence Act


This article calls into question some of the stereotypes about our intergovernmental relations. Some of them do not correspond to their daily life and their development since several years ago. On the one hand, against the continuing complaints by the Autonomies and part of the doctrine about whether the intergovernmental relations imply a change in our system competence, this study justifies why now in Spain are what they should be and work similar to other federal systems. Moreover, we analyze the news that the Dependence Act has led to the use of intergovernmental relations as a way of involving the Autonomies in federal decision. However, it also calls into question their efficiency and their future viability in Spain. 

