In search of a competitive State. Political and legislative chronicle 2013


  • Miguel Azpitarte Sánchez


European Union, Competitive State, European Semester, Budget stability, market unity, administrative reform, education system, corruption, independence


2013 is a year of new perspectives. The European Unión has reached a point where austerity and labor reform are not any more a full answer to the crises. It is time to impulse the competitiveness of the States. This paper, in the first part takes account of the political structure set by the European Semester. In the second part shows the reforms impulse to achieve competitiveness: budget stability, a stronger market unity, enhance economic activity, administration reform and a better education system. In the third part I give notice of the turbulence that weaken the competitive State, for all, structural corruption, the political promotion of Catalonia’s independence and the lack of a competitive market in some areas.

