Permanent reform: The Spanish Council of the Judiciary, Consejo General del Poder udicial, in search of a model


  • Manuel Gerpe Landín
  • Miguel Ángel Cabellos Espiérrez


General Council of the Judiciary, Oorganic Law of the Judiciary government


The Organic Law 4/2013, reforming the CGPJ, has introduced in the LOPJopj a reformulation of the structure and functions of the Council, and a new way of election of its members, thus constituting a new step on the fluctuations of the Council regulation, in an itinerary that shows clearly how the Council hasn’t achieved to find its place in the institutional system or to consolidate itself under a stable model. Tthis paper analyzes the reform, which reduces the weight of the Council in front of the Government, and introduces no little doubts on the future functioning of the Council.

