Scotland: the referendum on independence and the proposed reform of the Devolution


  • Alberto López Basaguren



Scotland, referendum, independence, Devolution (amendment), Smith Commission


This work aims to analyse the referendum on independence held in Scotland in September 2014. It shows the results of the referendum, highlighting the most significant aspects, such as, in particular, the imbalances in the geographical distribution of the vote against independence, as well as by sex and age groups. It explores the motivations of the electorate in the light of the arguments used and the development of the debate on independence, during the year preceding the vote. Finally, it presents the proposals made by the Smith Commission, established immediately after the victory of the «no», in relation to the reform of Devolution (territorial autonomy) to increase the powers of Scotland, and the initial reaction of the Scottish Parliament regarding the bill presented  by the British Government for the implementation of those proposals.

