Convergence between the ECtHR and the CJEU regarding the risk of vulneration of fundamental rights as ground for nonexecution of European arrest warrants. An analysis on the judgment of the ECtHR of 9 July 2019, Romeo Castaño.




Cooperation in criminal matters, principle of mutual recognition, European Arrest Warrant, risk of violation of fundamental rights.


In its judgment in the case Romeo Castaño, the ECHR has determined that Belgium violated Article 2 of the ECHR under its procedural aspect by failing to uphold its obligation to cooperate in criminal matters and, more specifically, by denying the execution of a European Arrest Warrant without a proper justification of the risk of violation of fundamental rights of the person requested in case of being transferred to Spain. Along with a review of the main aspects of this case, the present analysis frames the reasoning of the ECHR within the recent changes made by the CJEU regarding the principle of mutual recognition in criminal matters, and finally concludes that there the approach between these two courts may facilitate to overcome the obstacles created by Opinion 2/13 to the accession of the EU to the ECHR.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Sánchez Frías , Universidad de Málaga

Investigador postdoctoral en el Área de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Málaga. Investigador visitante en el Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law (Luxembourg).


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