The hotspots: The reinforcement of the operational tasks and multilateral cooperation of the European agencies Frontex, Easo and Europol


  • David Fernández Rojo Universidad de Deusto



Hotspots, Frontex, Easo, Europol, multilateral cooperation.


The hotspot approach was one of the key measures adopted by the EU in the aftermath of the «refugee crisis». This approach requires the European agencies Frontex, Easo and Europol to strengthen their multilateral cooperation and operationally assist those Member States subject to exceptional migratory pressure in their national registration, reception and asylum systems. Given the recent introduction of the hotspots and the lack of transparency regarding the specific competences that the agencies may develop on the ground, this article analyzes to what extent the hotspot approach reinforces the multilateral cooperation and the operational tasks of Frontex, Easo and Europol. After examining the functioning of the hotspots, it is concluded that the operational tasks conducted in practice by these agencies exceed their legal mandates and the CJEU’s non-delegation doctrine. Therefore, the legislative power of the EU should adopt a binding instrument in which the cooperation, competences and responsibility of the agencies in the hotspots is detailed and delimited.

