Several risks for personal status in the use of AI and an approximation to the advances of the Act 15/2022

Aproximación a los avances de la Ley 15/2022


  • Joaquín Sarrión Esteve Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Cristina Benlloch Domènech Universitat de València



Technological revolution; digital technology; artificial intelligence; personal status; fundamental rights


The exponential growth of digital technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence, together with the degree of penetration that internet and digital have today in society, make it possible to access a world full of opportunities, but at the same time they pose risks for people and their legal status, whether as a citizen, user, professional, researcher or technologist. This is clear in a special way when technology allows the use of algorithms in the decision-making process that may have legal consequences or other results or effects that may be equivalent or similar, given the potential discriminatory effects of these decisions, especially affecting to people who are part of vulnerable groups. Law 15/2022, of July 12, comprehensive for equal treatment and non-discrimination, which is inserted within the Spanish National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence, has as its main objective to constitute the minimum common fundamental normative of Spanish anti-discrimination law, as well as to establish the required basic guarantees. In this work we take into account the problem of the technological revolution and the risks associated with its development for the personal status, and the progress that the Law 15/2022 implies, in the context of national and european initiatives, in this matter.



