Education and higher values of the legal system: Equality and freedom .


  • Carlos Vidal Prado Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



This article analizes the necessary and close relationship between education and equality, but also with freedom, as higher values of our legal system. It supports the need to respect the balance provided for by article 27 of the Spanish Constitution between the benefit and freedom dimension of the right to education, the different faces of equality in the educational field, the possible segregations that we find in schools are analyzed. In addition, the constitutionality of the issue of single-sex educatio and the need for its equal financing with other concerted schools is supported. On the other hand, the need for adequate funding in the field of education is defended in order to ensure equal opportunities. Finally we deal with the risks posed by possible territorial inequalities, which should be corrected by a State policy that guarantees all citizens similar levels of education regardless of the territory in which they live within Spanish territory.



