Citizens and workers: the first workers’ association in Catalonia (Igualada, 1840-1868)



Workers, labor movement, association, worker consciousness, citizenship


The three decades from 1840 to 1868 are key in the process of awareness and worker organization in Catalonia. In this text we carry out a synthetic and multifaceted study of the profound socioeconomic, political, and cultural transformations that occurred during these years, the experiences of the various working sectors in them and the citizen and worker awareness among the various groups of workers in the sector. cotton farm in Igualada (Anoia, Catalonia). The associations and worker mobilizations created during these years contributed both to improving the material and immaterial conditions of the workers, and to democratizing political systems.

Author Biography

Ramón Arnabat Mata , Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Ph.D. in History, professor of Contemporary History at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and member of the consolidated research group Història, Societat, Política i Cultura des de Catalunya al món (ISOCAC). His research activity has focused on the study of the Revolution and counterrevolution during the nineteenth century, Sociability and social movements in contemporary times, and the Second Republic, the Civil War and Francoism. His latest publications include Asociaos y seréis fuertes. Sociabilidades, modernizaciones y ciudadanías en España, 1860-1930 (2019); La Catalunya associada, 1868-1938 (2020); y El Trienio Liberal (1820-1823): revolución, contrarrevolución e impacto internacional (2023).




