Tourist gaze, natural space and democratization: The beginnings of environmentalism in Mallorca (1964-80)



Turism, environmentalism, spatial turn, democratization, Transition


In this article we explain the decisive role of tourist imaginaries and land emotional incorporation in the genesis of the environmental movement in Mallorca at the end of the Franco regime and during the Transition. We propose the production of natural spaces due to environmental mobilization, as a consequence of previous processes of local assumption of the tourist-colonial gaze at the own landscape, combined with the accumulation of subaltern knowledge arising from previous experiences of the space. This explains why the local movement decolonized the ecological discourse of tourist origins, and finally contributed to the democratization of natural spaces.

Author Biography

Antoni Vives Riera , Universitat de Barcelona

Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona. His current research interests focus on the role of tourist discourses and practice in the spatial and bodily performativity of national and regional identities from the perspective of gender studies and post- and decolonial criticism. Following this line of work she has published in journals such as Nations and Nationalism or Tourist Studies. He has coordinated together with Mary Nash the R&D project "urismo y performatividad de la identidad local: Nación y región desde una perspectiva postcolonial y de género (Catalunya y Balears: siglos XIX-XXI)" (HAR2017-83005-R).




