The relics of the anti-mafia martyrs: between civil religion and ecclesiastical initiative (1990-2023)


  • Tommaso Caliò Università di Roma Tor Vergata


Devotional imagery is an integral part of the mafia's symbolic universe: think, for example, of the role of devotional images in initiation rites or the management of patron saint cults by organised crime. From the 1990s onwards, some dioceses in southern Italy began to react to the Mafia's interference in religious life by promoting, from below, the beatification of martyrs such as the priests Pino Puglisi and Peppe Diana or the judge Rosario Livatino, who paid with their lives for opposing the power of Cosa Nostra or the Camorra. Hagiographic proposals that fulfil several functions: to redefine the boundary between legality and illegality within a Church that has sometimes been impermeable to mafia culture; to create a new model of Catholic priest or layman with the intention of removing parts of the territory from the influence of the clans; to 178 insert 'heroes of the faith' into the wider pantheon of mafia victims. This article aims to analyse the contradictory results of the cult of relics in the process of contamination between traditional forms of devotion and the new civil religion of the anti-mafia, also in its media and narrative aspects.

Author Biography

Tommaso Caliò , Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Full Professor at the Dipartimento di Storia, Formazione e Società of the Università di Roma Tor Vergata. He is the director of the Centro Romano di Studi sull'Ebraismo (CeRSE) and member of the Doctoral College of “Storia e Scienze filosofico-sociali”. He is also a member of the board of directors of the collection “Sacro / Santo”, published by Viella Publishing House, and President of the Associazione Italiana per lo Studio della Santità dei Culti e dell'Agiografia (AISSCA). Researcher associated with the PRIN 2020 research project “I laboratori culturali della fede. La produzione di cultura religiosa popolare in Italia dall'Unità al miracolo economico / Cultural Labs of Faith. The Production of Christian Popular Culture in Italy from the Unification to the Economic Miracle”. His main fields of research are: the interaction between anti-Jewish stereotypes; hagiographic legends and ritual practices; politics of sanctity and national identities; and the impact of mass media on the religious imaginary. His publications include: Una terra di martiri. Laboratori agiografici e industrie culturali nell'Italia contemporanea, Roma, 2022; Santi in posa. L'influsso della fotografia sull'immaginario religioso, Roma, 2019; L'immaginario devoto tra mafie e antimafia. Riti, culti e santi, a cura di Tommaso Caliò e Lucia Ceci, Roma, 2017; La leggenda dell'ebreo assassino. Percorsi di un racconto antiebraico, Roma, 2007.




