The Church as a nationalization factor. Majorca, 1875-1923.



Catholicism, Nationalism, Spain, Majorca, Bourbon Restoration


The aim of this article is to highlight the existence of nationalization processes outside of liberalism or the central State itself. Specifically, the role that the Church of Mallorca had in the extension of the Spanish national identity among broad layers of the population during the Restoration is analysed. Moreover, the action of the Church described as centralist and unitary was so important as the Catholic regionalism. In this sense, the region or the small homeland should be understood as a way of making the great homeland or nation more intelligible.

Author Biography

Pere Salas Vives , Universitat de les Illes Balears

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of the Balearic Islands. He has studied the process of formation of the liberal state through the development of local administration, public health, as well as its consequences in the formation of national identity. His publications include those published in the journals Historia Agraria, Medical History and the book L'espanyolització de Mallorca 1808-1923 (2020).




