Pleasure gardens: a socially mixed space of leisure in the industrial city (Barcelona, 1850-1868)



pleasure gardens, Barcelona, popular leisure, industrialization, 19th century


Pleasure gardens were a commercialized recreation widespread through Europe in the mid-19th century, and they had a central role in the social life and cultural environment of the European cities, such as Barcelona, as spaces for entertainment, sociability and cultural promotion. This research aims to show how pleasure gardens were so important to building a model of rational leisure for working classes, within the context of industrialization and social conflict. The pleasure gardens became, thus, a socially mixed space of leisure, although that eventually allow for their appropriation by working classes during the years before the Sexenio Democrático (1868-1874).

Author Biography

Núria Miquel Magrinyà , Universitat de Barcelona

FPU predoctoral researcher in the Contemporary History and Current World section of the Universitat de Barcelona, with a doctoral thesis on popular mobilization in the leisure spaces of Barcelona (1850-1880). She has published in the journal Cercles and has participated in the book Comunicación e historia olvidada: una mirada transversal desde la contemporaneidad (2022). She is the author, together with Jordi Roca Vernet, of La Bullanga de Barcelona. 25 de juliol de 1835 (2021).




