Historia Social, a New Era



New Era, Historia Social, OJS, Comares, Fecyt


Social History celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2023. Witness and channel of some of the changes, those of recent times, the journal enters a new stage in 2024. Without abandoning paper printing for as long as readers demand it, Social History now offers greater access to its contents by being published in digital format, on the web, open and without the temporary embargo on content.

Author Biographies

Javier Paniagua Fuentes , Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Co-director of Historia Social. Professor of History of Political Thought and Social Movements at the UNED. Author and coordinator of some twenty books on anarchism, syndicalism, socialism and the history of contemporary Spain, in particular La transición a la democracia. Among his works is La sociedad libertaria (Crítica, 1982). His most recent books are El Socialismo. De la socialdemocracia al PSOE y viceversa (Cátedra, 2016) and Nosotros, los socialistas valencianos (BHS, 2020).

José Antonio Piqueras , Universitat Jaume I

Co-director of Social History. Professor of Contemporary History at the Universitat Jaume I. Coordinator of the Comparative Social History group and director of the UNESCO Chair on Slavery and Afrodescendancy. Author of more than twenty monographs and coordinator of as many books. He has dealt with the history of workers, slavery, the Spanish 19th century, the history of Cuba and Latin America and historiography. His most recent work is Negreros. Españoles en el tráfico y en los capitales esclavistas (Catarata, 2021).




