Contemporary high mountain architecture intended for tourist uses. The Alps as a source of transnational landscape and architectural inspiration (1880-1950).



Alps, Catalan Pyrenees, Argentine Patagonia, regionalist arquitecture, landscape nationalisation.


This article is intended to make a comparative analysis of the contemporary high mountain architecture for tourist and sport uses in the Swiss and French Alps, Aosta Valley, Catalan Pyrenees and Argentina Patagonia. The Swiss chalet was used by the architects as a model of transnational inspiration. Their regionalist architecture resulted from the hybridisation of their own vernacular architecture combined with international Alpine models. This architecture contributed to the regionalisation and nationalisation of certain mountain landscapes, from an idealized, “otherised” and stereotyped point of view.

Author Biography

Joaquim Maria Puigvert Solà , Universitat de Girona

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Girona. Director of the Martí Casals Chair of Medicine and Health in the Rural Area of the same university. His latest line of research is dedicated to the social and cultural history of the liberal professions in Catalonia in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His books include Josep Danés i Torras. Noucentisme i regionalisme arquitectònics (Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2008) and Balnearios, veraneo, literatura. Agua y salud en la España contemporánea (Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2018) of which he is co-editor and co-author.




