The dispute over Machiavelli between fascists and anti-fascists intelectuals during the 'ventennio': Between national myth and historiographical reality.



Machiavelli, Updating, Authoritarianism, Fascism, Democracy, Republic, Tragedy


In this study we will analyze the historiographical and cultual conflict over Maquiavelo throughout the centuries. Next, we will examine the modernist and authoritarian updating of the figure of Machiavelli carried out by Mussolini and other renowned fascist intellectuals (Francesco Ercole, Gioacchino Volpe, Alfredo Rocco, Giovanni Gentile, and others). next, we will study the version of the “democratic and republican Machiavelli”, of the liberal Croce, the liberal-radical Gobetti, the socialist-democratic Matteotti, and the communist Gramsci, antithesis of the “fascist Machiavelli. Finally, we will conclude with the dichotomy between the “monolithic Machiavelli” of fascism and the “tragic Machiavelli” outlined by Viroli, Berlin and Althusser.

Author Biography

Andrea Vicenzini, Universidad de Cantabria

Ph.D. in history from the University of Cantabria with a thesis on "The cultural origins, myths and the use of the historical tradition about the nation in fascism and the first Francoism". Author of the book El Guadiana Neoliberal: del New Deal a la Gran Recesión (Editorial de la UC, 2019). He has published articles in the specialized journals Alcores (2020) and Vínculos de Historia (2022).




