The female conventual exemplarity in Catalonia

17th and 18th centuries



Women, Biographies, Hagiographies, Religious orders, Family, Convent, Exemplarity, Holiness


This article analyzes the effort of the different religious orders to select, among their men and women, those who should be considered exemplary, a step prior to promotion to the altars. The negative discrimination suffered by women is verified, with greater difficulties than men, for their own recognition of exemplary nature. The hagiographic biographies, cultivated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, have been used as a source and, above all, the collective collections of exemplary Franciscans and Carmelites, whose unpublished documentation is preserved in the University Library of Barcelona, as well as the repertoires of holiness of Pere Gil, Antonio Vicente Domenech and Pere Serra y Postius. The study of this documentation allows us to explore the social origins, family life prior to the convent and the values of these women wielded by the narrators of their virtues. At the same time, some individual cases are examined, which stand out for their exceptional connotations, for their marital problems prior to the convent, such as Ángela Ginestar, Ángela Bertomeu and Verónica Rossell or for their unique African origin, such as the case of Juana Serafina.

Author Biographies

Rosa María Alabrús Iglesias, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Professor of Modern History, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Department of Humanities and Education). Principal Researcher of the R+D+i project: "Religious discourse and the management of female emotions in Catalonia. Between the Baroque and the Enlightenment", Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union. Regional Development Fund "AUna manera de hacer Europa", with reference PGC2018-094899-B-C54. Director of the King Martin the Human Chair, Count Barcelona, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona.

Ricardo García Cárcel, Universidad de Salamanca

Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Correspondent of the Royal Academy of History and Member of the Order of the Academic Palms of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Generalitat de Catalunya awarded him the "Distinció a la Recerca de l'Investigador Reconegut". He is a researcher of the R+D+i project team: "The religious discourse and the management of female emotions in Catalonia. Between the Baroque and the Enlightenment", Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union. Regional Development Fund "Una manera de hacer Europa", with reference PGC2018- 094899-B-C54.




