Susanna Tavera and Pilar Pérez-Fuentes: Commitment to feminism and history.



Women's History, Gender History, Feminism, Feminist historiography, Memory


Two leading historians of the historiography of women and gender, Susanna Tavera and Pilar Pérez- Fuentes, carry out an exercise in autobiographical reflection, linking their personal aspirations, as feminist and progressive women, and their commitment with the story The objective shared by both has been to consider women as active subjects of social change in order to incorporate alternative ways of interpreting the past into the historical analysis. His works, however, respond to different concerns and ways of making history. The differences and parallels between both trajectories are a true reflection of the diversity in this historiographical field, but also of the strong connections that give shape to this generation of historians.

Author Biographies

Nerea Aresti , Universidad del País Vasco/EHU

Professor at the University of the Basque Country/EHU. D. from the State University of New York and the UPV/EHU itself, she is a specialist in gender history. In recent years she has focused her research on the history of masculinities and discursive strategies of contemporary feminism. She is the author of Masculinidades en tela de juicio. Hombres y género en el primer tercio del siglo XX (2010) y Médicos, donjuanes y mujeres modernas. Los ideales de feminidad y masculinidad en el primer tercio del siglo XX (2001). Ha coeditado el volumen ¿La España invertebrada? Masculinidad y nación en los inicios del siglo XX (2016). Aresti is part of the research group "Experiencia moderna" of the UPV/EHU.

Miren Llona , Universidad del País Vasco/EHU

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of the Basque Country/EHU. Her research work focuses on three areas of interest: the construction of contemporary identities in the Basque Country; oral history and the analysis of memory from a cultural perspective; and gender history and the study of power relations between men and women. Llona is a member of the "Experiencia moderna" research group of the UPV/EHU. Between 2010 and 2012 she was vice-president of the International Oral History Association (IOHA) and is currently president of the Spanish Association for Research in Women's History (AEIHM).




