Rosa Ma. Capel Martínez and Gloria Nielfa Cristóbal: Profiles of female historians, genealogy for a discipline.




History of Women, History of Gender, Pioneers


This article presents the autobiographical profiles of two pioneers in the history of women and gender in Spanish historiography, Rosa María Capel Martínez and Gloria Nielfa Cristóbal. Their personal trajectories, recovered from the answers given by both to an identical questionnaire, matter to the extent that they help to make sense of the decisions that led them to wager decisively from the dawn of their research career on the barren and undervalued field of study of women, gender and feminism. Their careers are totally intertwined with the path that their discipline has completed, so that the obstacles they faced, the achievements they achieved and the challenges that still challenge them are largely those of the field of study to which they have dedicated their professional lives.

Author Biography

Ana Cabana Iglesia , Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Professor of the Department of History at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Member of the Research Group "Histagra" and the Interuniversity Research Center "Cispac", she has focused her interest in contemporary rural history and in the social history of the Franco dictatorship. His latest publications include Haberlas, haylas. Las campesinas en la historia de España del siglo XX, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2021 (co-authored with Teresa María Ortega); "Ciento cincuenta mujeres y ningún hombre. Mujeres y protesta en el campo gallego durante el franquismo", Historia Social (99, 2021) or Cabana, A. et al., "Gender and rural history. A roundtable", Historia Agraria (85, 2021).




