Mary Nash. The historiographical journey of a nomadic academic in contemporary Spain.



Subaltern subject, Multiculturalism, Diversity, Second Republic, Civil War, Francoism, Women, Gender, Women's History, Gender History, Cultural History, Otherness


This text presents the academic itinerary of Mary Nash, highlighting her historiographical contributions and her work to promote women’s history and gender studies in Spanish universities. From the projection of a specialist in contemporary society, the evolution of a History, first Social, and now Socio-cultural or Cultural, is perceived; also the difficulties in investigating the role of women and the feminine in discourses about the past until not too long ago. The impact of her first works on Spanish women of the Republic and the Civil War is valued, and the importance of her most recent reflections on multiculturalism, migration or post-colonialism from gender.

Author Biography

Rosa María Cid López , Universidad de Oviedo

Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oviedo, coordinator of the Demeter Group. Maternity, gender and family and director of the Demeter Collection, published by Uniovi and Trabe. A specialist in the history of women and gender in ancient societies, she has mainly studied the biographies of Cleopatra and Livia among other women, or topics such as religion, work or power, without forgetting historiographical issues. Her most recent publications include the co-edition of Motherhood and Infancy in the Mediterranean of Antiquity (Oxford, Oxbow, 2018) or Madres y familias en la antigüedad. Patrones femeninos en la transmisión de emociones y de patrimonio (Trea, Oviedo, 2021).




