Memorial testimonials. Pioneers in the history of women and gender in Spain



Pioneers, History of Women, History of Gender, Biographical testimonies, Historiography


This text raises the importance of collecting the personal testimonies of those historians –now retired– who began their academic activity in the mid-1970s, and who throughout their research and teaching career at Spanish universities pioneered the theoretical and epistemological value of the history of women and gender as a fundamental component of all history. To exemplify it, we present as a sample the valuable biographical testimonies of some of these pioneers: Rosa Capel, Mary Nash, Gloria Nielfa, Pilar Pérez-Fuentes and Susanna Tavera. Some testimonies that are, in themselves, material for history and for present and future historiography.

Author Biographies

Teresa María Ortega López , Universidad de Granada

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Granada. Her research has focused on the study of the Franco dictatorship and the political transition to democracy. More recently she has approached the study of the rural world from a gender perspective. All these issues have been raised in numerous books and articles in specialized journals. Her publications include the books Jornaleras, campesinas y agricultoras. La historia agraria desde una perspectiva de género, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2015 (edited together with Francisco Cobo); Feminismos y Antifeminimos. Culturas políticas e identidades de género en la España del siglo XX, Publicaciones de la Universitat de València, 2011 (edited together with ana aguado); Mujeres, dones, mulleres, emakumeak. Estudios sobre la historia de las mujeres y del género, Cátedra, Madrid, 2019 (edited together with Ana Aguado and Elena Hernández Sandoica); Haberlas, haylas. Campesinas en la historia de España en el siglo XX, Marcial Pons, 2021 (together with Ana Cabana).

Ana María Aguado Higón , Universitat de València

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valencia, and coordinator of the Doctoral Program Gender and Equality Policies of the IUED of the University of Valencia. Among her latest publications is the book edited with Teresa María Ortega López and Elena Hernández Sandoica (eds.): Mujeres, Dones, Mulleres, Emakumeak. Estudios sobre Historia de las mujeres y del género. Madrid, Cátedra, 2019; as well as the article published in the journal Clio "María Lejárraga sur les chemins de la citoyenneté: modernité, féminisme, socialisme (Espagne, 1874-1974)," Femmes, genre, histoire, 53, 2021, pp. 215-235; and the article published with Luz Sanfeliu "El camino de la liberación. asociacionismo femenino y culturas obreras en la Segunda República (1931-1936)", Pasado y memoria: Revista de historia contemporánea, 22, 2021, pp. 237-263.




