Between Marxism and patriotism: Catalan indenpendentism in the long 68 global cycle of political violence.



Political violence, Catalan independentism, Nationalism, Franco regime


A cycle of social protest took place in most parts of the world during the 1960s and 1970s. One of the sides of this long ’68 was political violence, which, in Spain, was strongly conditioned by the Franco regime. Sometimes, this phenomenon was interrelated with the emergence of sub-state nationalism that occurred in several Western European countries during the second half of the twentieth century. Taking their own documentation as a basis, this article analyses the main armed organizations that emerged in this context from Catalan independentism. They ranged between the influence of Marxism and plain patriotism.

Author Biography

Pau Casanellas Peñalver , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Historian. He works as a researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he received his Ph.D.  (2011). Specialist in Franco's dictatorship and the transition to parliamentary democracy. He has addressed public order policies, territorial governance, social mobilizations, and armed struggle. He has published Morir matando. El franquismo ante la práctica armada, 1968-1977 (Catarata, 2014) and, in co-authorship, Gobernadores. Barcelona en la España franquista (1939-1977) (Comares, 2015), and several contributions to journals and collective works.




