About the Journal

Historia Social is a four-monthly academic journal, independent and plural, specialized in modern and contemporary times, which aims to disseminate historical research and historiographical reflections with intellectual rigor.

Since its origins in 1988, the editorial team has meticulously monitored the information published in Historia Social.

Historia Social is published by the Fundación Instituto de Historia Social. As of 2024, Editorial Comares collaborates in the edition of the journal.

The editorial team is responsible for attending to the needs of authors and readers with the aim of improving the journal and ensuring the quality and novelty of the material published. To this end, it maintains an open channel of communication with authors to resolve any problems that may arise.

Plurality is another of the journal's objectives, although Historia Social is not necessarily identified with the content of the articles published. To the best of their ability and with the help of the reviewers, the editors are responsible for ensuring the originality of the texts.

Correction of errors, inaccuracies, or any type of distorted information published in Historia Social will be immediately attended to.

Historia Social is also available in its digital version in the JSTOR catalog.

Reproduction of all or part of the published articles without prior authorization is prohibited.


The quality of the articles is assured through a peer review process in which two external evaluators, both national and international, intervene. The Editorial Board finally decides on their publication in view of the opinions obtained and the interest offered by the texts.

The entire evaluation process is also carried out under the double-blind system, i.e., the anonymity of both the evaluators and the authors is always preserved.

The acceptance or rejection of articles for publication is based on the importance of the texts, their originality and clarity, as well as the relevance of the subject matter. To this end, Historia Social provides the evaluators with some basic standards that each article must meet in order to be published.