The Little Ice Age in Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Range, NW Spain), Morphological analysis and reconstruction of the historical glacial advance


  • J.J. González Universidad de Cantabria


Morfología glaciar, hielo relicto, Pequeña Edad del Hielo, M.E.L.A., Picos de Europa


Using the analysis of the inherited morphological features and survived relict ice bodies, as well as the historical documents, we have reconstructed and mapped the last morphogenetic glacial phase (Little Ice Age), with 6 very small glaciers located in the highest cirques on Central and Western Massif in Picos de Europa. Furthermore, M.E.L.A calculations have been made: 2.250 m (Western Massif) and 2.340 m (Central Massif). The results thus obtained confirm the existence of a little historical glacial advance, characterized by very small glaciers located below the regional Equilibrium Line Altitude (at 2.600 m), that owed their existence to particular location and topographic conditions (topoclimatological factors) that favour avalanches or snow drift enhancing accumulation. Deglaciation process until the present time has caused the disappearance of these glaciers, reducing their surfaces and transforming them into non-dynamic ice bodies (relict stratified ice patchs).





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