Population Decline and Depopulation in Granada Province (Spain), 1991-2020



Although in recent years the population of the province of Granada has increased slightly, most of its territory is characterized by the loss of inhabitants. This is a symptom of the strong contrasts existing in its interior between dynamic areas, basically the metropolitan crown and the coast, and the rest of the province, which is characterized by an accentuated demographic depletion due to vegetative wear and the low power of attraction for immigration flows. That have been happening. Discovering the distribution and intensity of the depopulation process and analysing the repercussions it has on demographic structures will also be one of the objectives of present work, that it pursues, as well, to see to what extent and what factors affect the depopulation of large sectors of the province. To carry out the analysis, the Population Gazette will be used, considering two dates: 2020, as the most current moment and 1991, as a milestone in the recent past, which will serve to analyse the evolution that occurred. The work scale is made up by the singular population entities.




