COVID-19, estado de emergencia y agricultura familiar en España: mercados campesinos en Barcelona y huertos de autoconsumo en Alcaine (Teruel)



The state of emergency decreed by the Spanish government due to COVID-19 pandemic –first half of 2020– established that basic activities should be maintained; among them, those related to food production and distribution. However, occupations typical of family farming and agroecological production were restricted. From the analysis of two cases (farmers markets in Barcelona and self-consumption orchard in Alcaine, Teruel), the article shows that the regulations were not applied homogeneously in the territory. It depended on the interpretation of the government delegations, the interests and influence of the decentralized institutions in those delegations, and the organizational capacity of civil society. The emergency evidenced that in the central government and other decentralized institutions an urban-centric vision persisted that prioritized the conventional agri-food model.

Keywords: Pandemic, Agri-food policies, Self-consumption orchard, Peasant markets, Social movements.




