A proposal for the evaluation of the impact of LEADER and PRODER programs for rural development


  • José Mondéjar
  • Juan Antonio Mondéjar
  • Fabio Monsalve
  • Manuel Vargas


The purpose of our research is the development of instruments to be used for the evaluation of rural development programs, in accordance with the characteristics required by the European Commission for the evaluation of the LEADER Development Program as outlined in “The future of rural world” (1992). These characteristics include physical and financial indicators, as well as specific indicators that take into account the following aspects: an integral territorial focus; the pilot characteristics inherent in the actions; cooperation; the organization and role of administrative structures; integration in a network; and repercussions for the environment. It is necessary to deal with a qualitative focus that brings together fundamental aspects of the programs and the development of a measurement scale that allows for their evaluation. The result is the development of a project devoted to the collection of qualitative information which complements a quantitative approach already undertaken, and which results in a valid and reliable questionnaire.





Notas de investigación