Policies in response to the phenomenon of rural depopulation: a demand side approach


  • Luis Antonio Sáez
  • Vicente Pinilla
  • María Isabel Ayuda


The aim of this paper is to analyse the policies that might be implemented in response to the phenomenon of rural depopulation when considered from the perspective of the agents involved in this process. The empirical results reported in the most recent economic literature on demographic change would appear to suggest that demographic conduct depends essentially on three aspects. First, the quality of life found in the place of residence. Secondly, the compatibility between the employment and the family environment. Thirdly, the economic stability that is required in order to plan a life project that incorporates decisions on these aspects taken in the absence of uncertainty. In this regard, the rural environment, when compared with urban agglomerations, suffers from a serious deficit in terms of its endowment of goods and services, especially of a collective character, which facilitates the taking of these decisions. The analysis of population policies also involves an analysis of the principles upon which their objectives are based. The conclusion drawn from the study is that any policy aimed at addressing this problem should be drafted in such a way that the wishes of the individuals involved occupy the central position. This approach is both efficient and coherent with the demand side perspective adopted in the paper.




