Size Matters. Comparative Study of the Effect of Habitat on the Vote (Galicia and Andalusia, Spain, 2000-2020)


  • Juan Jesús González Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España
  • Luis Barreiro Castro Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España


The study of all the electoral processes held in Andalusia and Galicia, so far this century, presents the following main conclusions. Regarding participation, the rates are systematically higher in smaller habitats than in urban and intermediate ones. Regarding the direction of the vote, two CCAAs characterized by having had a predominant party system, during the reference period, of different political sign (PSOE in Andalusia and PP in Galicia) have been chosen. In both cases, the same pattern is observed, consisting of greater support for the predominant party in rural areas. Given the sociodemographic differences, between the different habitats, it would be possible that these different patterns of electoral behavior could be explained by a composition effect. To rule out this possibility, the results of a multinomial regression model are presented, which indicates that, once the effect of variables such as ideology, age or gender is controlled, the habitat continues to have a net effect that we will try to explain with help of specialized literature. Finally, we will present the main observable trends between the two general elections held in 2019.




