Teachers' conceptions about physical education mediated by ICT in times of COVID-19. Case study





Physical education, information technology, ICT, pandemics, teaching, learning.


The confinement caused in Colombia by the health emergency of COVID-19, forced the replacement of face-to-face pedagogical practices by remote education mediated by communication and information technologies (ICT). Physical education teachers had the challenge of adapting the contents of a generally practical subject to the new reality in which digital media are protagonists. Adaptations that are complicated because students widely in public institutions in urban and rural contexts have difficulties in connecting to the Internet or availability of electronic equipment. The objective was to understand the conceptions of the pedagogical practice of seven physical education teachers in training, belonging to the Bachelor's degree program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the University of Cauca - Colombia under the remote modality with high school students. Reflections on the ICT mediated teaching-learning process in two public educational institutions with the intrinsic case study methodology and research techniques such as observation and educational workshops are presented. It was found that the physical education class mediated by ICT requires configuring the contents according to the needs of the health emergency context, that there are strengths in the digital tools for the teaching-learning process, as well as weaknesses of the teachers in their management, it is evident that there are students with accessibility and limitation for the connection, which affects the monitoring of progress both in synchronous and asynchronous phases.

Key words. Physical education, information technology, ICT, pandemic, teaching, learning.


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How to Cite

Quilindo, V. H. (2023). Teachers’ conceptions about physical education mediated by ICT in times of COVID-19. Case study . Retos, 48, 901–910. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v48.91823



Original Research Article