Learning to teach through the Sport Education model in special schools: from theory to practice





intellectual disability, pedagogical models, equity, equal opportunities, universal design for learning


This work aims to present a pedagogical approach to applying Sport Education model in a curricular context as unique as Special School. With this purpose, this paper has three aims: (i) show a didactic proposal aimed at a Special School, using an intervention developed through the Sport Education model; (ii) expose the facilitators and barriers to its implementation, and (iii) offer improvement proposals for future applications. The pedagogical proposal of this work was developed in a Special School where all enrolled students (12 students between 14 and 23 years old) and a physical education teacher participated. The program was co-designed between the teacher at the Special School and the researchers-authors of this work. The applicability and viability of the program was assessed from a qualitative approach. The main results showed the applicability and potential of the Sport Education model in the context of the Special Schools when it is co-designed with all students in mind. As facilitators they highlighted the essential elements of the model (team, season, game-based and student-centered teaching, and roles). The main barriers detected were mainly associated with the programming of elements of the model to promote equitable and inclusive participation of students (roles, sport or team), time and motivation towards competition. Additionally, improvement proposals are outlined based on identified barriers encountered during implementation.

Key-words: intellectual disability, pedagogical models, equity, equal opportunities, universal design for learning.


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How to Cite

Abellán, J., & Segovia, Y. . (2024). Learning to teach through the Sport Education model in special schools: from theory to practice. Retos, 59, 138–145. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v59.106909



Didactic experiences developed and investigated with empirical work